Emergencies don’t stop and neither does Sayap Africa. Your financial gift helps people affected by disasters and the Covid-19 pandemic. Our members and volunteers are trained to assist more than 54 countries in Africa.

Sayap Africa has joined governments, international communities, other non profit organizations, the civil society to collect global resources and deliver locally.

The Covid-19 is killing thousands and thousands if people in Africa. Death rate has tripled every day. Hospitals are full, food and clean water are not available to families. Sayap Africa has put in place a Humanitarian aid plan: 51 hospitals and medical centers received Equipment and medical supplies in partnership with Medshare USA. Though the first case of Covid19 was confirmed in South Africa in March 2020, Sayap Africa and his members worldwide shipped a container full of PPE materials to frontline healthcare workers in Cameroon knowing that Africa was totally underprepared. Sayap Africa has been working with countries health care representatives as well as communities, schools, orphanages, blinds, deafs, mutes as well as women organizations and private sectors groups.

We donated clean water system to schools without water for 35 years, and the absenteeism rate dropped as well as illnesses. We donated hot meals to hospital staffs in charge of Covid-19 patients in Djoungolo, Yaounde and Laquintinie in Douala for two consecutive years. We distributed foods to more than one hundred thousands people hit hard by the decline of the economy in 4 African countries: Cote ivoire, Chad, Congo, Cameroon.

We are providing requested support while offering also broader safety net services effectively. We are working hard to establish triage tents outside hospitals in countries biggest cities for screening and enable hospitals to continue to treat patients for chronic, acute, and non covid 19 ailments. We need help to buy these tents for rural hospitals. Sayap Africa supports initiatives that are not always on the government’s radar but critical for the communities. We are funding several schools wooden extra seats to avoid crowded classrooms. Sayap Africa would like to continue shipping one or two containers full of medical supplies to each African country every year. We would like to funds at least 5 potable water systems in high schools in Africa per year. We would like to create a healthcare network between the rural areas and doctors in the city using Cell phones for a fast Covid-19 diagnosis and care.

Sayap Africa has noticed that many African countries have paid a heavy price economically by implementing the Western countries restrictive lockdowns measures. Our volunteers and members went door to door to distribute masks, sanitizers but we have economic procedures because people are losing their jobs and residents in townships live in crowded conditions. In Africa, you don’t ask people to social distance, where are they going to have that social distance from? Sayap Africa has continue to respond to these financial challenges by offering food support to vulnerable populations, microlending to displaced and refugees women to start or continue small businesses.

We have many social support programs. As the pandemic in Africa moves past the one and half year mark, Sayap Africa continue to respond to Covid-19 needs throughout the French Speaking African Countries. Next year, we will target Eastern Africa as well two dozen countries in Africa as we seek to build on existing relationships and proven records of what has been successfully implemented during the past two years. We need help, we need funds, we need partners. In less than three years since its inception Sayap Africa has shown private sectors, international communities that you can get involved in government programs if you approach the sector in an
open minded way.

We are optimistic even though we don’t see the situation improving. There is also an imminent threat of a third wave with the variant Delta and the spike in number of cases.

Provide a helping hand

We can’t make it alone. Your help can bring a big change.

We need you and your help

It’s impossible to help people without people helping others. We always need volunteers who love to help. Bring your time, talent and resources.

Do you know how to raise funds? Get free laptops for girls in sciences and tech in Africa? Clean energy? Water supply for villages? Fund vocational training in business for youth? Pay students tuition with a scholarship? Women rights? Agriculture to fight the hunger? Donate for hospitals?

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