Covid-19 Pandemic Response
in Cameroon

June 2020 Sayap Africa fed more than 2000 people in many cities and villages in Cameroon as a respond to the financial impact that the pandemic Covid19 has have on those living in a precarious situation or affected by the virus. Fighting hunger during the confinement was Sayap Africa’s motivation to distribute foods and train communities on how to prevent the spread of the virus. The local government and civil society assisted us throughout the campaign against Covid19. See images in the gallery

Covid-19 Pandemic Response
in Congo

In September 2020, Sayap Africa assisted the Kimbanseke community in the Democratic Republic of Congo in Africa by donating foods to more than 300 families of 8 people. The population of Kimbanseke has been hit hard by the Covid19 pandemic and found themselves in a very vulnerable situation. Sayap Africa bought foods locally and distributed it to them. See images in the gallery.

Clean Drinking Water Project:
Eseka High School in Cameroon

The Eseka high school in the department of Nyong & Kelle has 2000 students without running water for almost 25 years. Sayap Africa has raised funds and provided drinking water to the Eseka High School in June 2020. See how Sayap Africa’s work reaches people around the world. Images in the gallery.

Delivered Medical Equipment & Supplies in Cameroon: Partnered with MedShare

SAYAP AFRICA has partnered with Medshare USA in 2019 to deliver high quality medical supplies and equipment to more than 51 medical centers in Cameroon Africa. We are working to find innovative and sustainable solutions to challenging medical supplies problems in the rural areas of Africa. We are committed to finding culturally savvy solutions for issues that affects communities worldwide.

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