A Mission to Build 5 Wells a Year

A Mission to Build 5 Wells a Year

Fri February 12th, 2021


In 2019 while visiting the Eseka high school in Cameroon, the Sayap Africa CEO and founder, Friedorique Paulette Nonga was approached by a young female student. She shared with Ms. Nonga the need for a running, drinkable, water system in the school. This was a problem that her school (which currently enrolls 2,000 students) had faced for 35 years. The school lacked any clean water, and the nearest access to any water was a polluted river about a mile from the school.

In January 2020, Sayap Africa launched a fundraising campaign all over the world to bring clean water to communities, like Eseka, in need. In June 2020, Sayap Africa built a well that delivered clean potable water to the high school, Lycee d’Eseka, with access to the neighboring community as well. Once the Eseka high school water system was completed, absentee rates went down and illnesses related to unclean water were reduced to a minimum. Students recorded testimonial videos of the life-changing impact that access to clean water brought to them.

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Workers building well

Water indeed gives life, something we too often overlook here in the United States. In Africa, more than 300 million people live without access to potable water and Cameroonians are among them. The cost of building a robust well in Africa that is sourced from the water table is between $16,000 to $25,000.  Heavy drilling equipment, filters, pumps, solar power, and tanks are needed for each well. Once these wells are built, schools and communities are provided with fresh, clean water for many generations.

Our objective this year is to build 5 wells that will serve these communities in several countries in Africa. The task is not an easy one, and the amount needed can be difficult to raise. However, the CEO and founder of the non-profit organization, Friedorique Paulette Nonga is dedicated to this task – joining hands with the urgency that this challenge demands.

Sayap Africa’s mission is to assist communities in Africa by improving their quality of life and rebuilding communities. And clean water for all is on the top of our list. Together, we can make a difference. Please make a tax-deductible donation today at sayapafrica.org.

A Mission to Build 5 Wells a Year
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